How to Care for Custom Wigs
To take care of the wigs that you have custom wigs is quite an easy task. The different material used for wig making needs a different care. Synthetic material hair can be cleaned easily and may not be a big problem, but cleaning the natural hair wigs may need some special care, same way the synthetic material hair wigs may not be easily managed when it comes to comb etc, but the real hair is easy to manage that way. Here in this article are discussed a few ways that can be used to take care of the custom made wigs. No matter you have bought cheap custom wigs or any other expensive ones, they still need proper care.
To Get Started here are a Few Easy Ones:
To clean it or manage it you can use lukewarm water and then add to it special shampoo that is for wigs. Let it rest for a few minutes till it mixes well then immerse the wig in the water. Let it rest for a minute then shake it for a couple of minutes slowly and then again leave it for a couple of minutes. Complete this process at least three times and then rinse with clean water at the end. Now to take it out and shake it well and then try and clean it with the towel. When you clean the wig ensure that the hair is not tangled and there are no hair falls also or hair drops or cuts. To make this happen comb the wig with a wide toothed comb so that it does not cause roughness.
How to Style the Wig Properly
In order to style the custom wigs make sure that you brush it when it is not wet but dry. This will make it easy. While brushing, make sure that the hair is not pulled out. For this purpose hold the wig’s base in your hand and then brush. You can use the hair dryer or the straighter to style the wig but only the ones that are made from human hair. This means that if you use the hot dryers on the fiber made hair wig it will damage the wig. The hair may be lost or damaged permanently. If the wig is fiber made make sure to use oils for brushing to reduce any tangles. The oil will also give the hair shine and long life. Always use the oil to keep the wig in good shape. The oil that you use for wig care must be special oil that is made only for wigs and not the natural hair.
How to Store the Wig
To store the wig keep it hanging. It is better to hang it rather than keep in horizontal. When you store the wig keep it away from the sunlight. Direct exposure can damage the hair more. Keep it in a pace of room temperature.
With these tips you can manage the custom wigs easily.